Monthly Returns Heatmap, COMP USD (kraken)

Year January 2/2 February 2/2 March 1/3 April 1/3 May 1/3 June 1/3 July 4/1 August 2/2 September 2/2 October 2/2 November 2/2 December 2/2
2024 -7.68 USD/COMP
Open 60.9700 USD
Close 53.2900 USD
Volume 109.135 COMP
+42.27 USD/COMP
Open 53.3500 USD
Close 95.6200 USD
Volume 145.083 COMP
-19.43 USD/COMP
Open 95.1100 USD
Close 75.6800 USD
Volume 190.175 COMP
-19.54 USD/COMP
Open 75.2300 USD
Close 55.6900 USD
Volume 67.942 COMP
+3.48 USD/COMP
Open 55.1700 USD
Close 58.6500 USD
Volume 36.937 COMP
Open 58.6100 USD
Close 49.5100 USD
Volume 42.850 COMP
+2.99 USD/COMP
Open 49.1800 USD
Close 52.1700 USD
Volume 27.319 COMP
2023 +24.41 USD/COMP
Open 30.8700 USD
Close 55.2800 USD
Volume 83.535 COMP
-3.83 USD/COMP
Open 55.5400 USD
Close 51.7100 USD
Volume 97.621 COMP
-7.94 USD/COMP
Open 51.5800 USD
Close 43.6400 USD
Volume 74.993 COMP
-3.63 USD/COMP
Open 43.3100 USD
Close 39.6800 USD
Volume 25.142 COMP
-4.58 USD/COMP
Open 39.8900 USD
Close 35.3100 USD
Volume 41.042 COMP
+17.43 USD/COMP
Open 35.1200 USD
Close 52.5500 USD
Volume 174.612 COMP
+13.23 USD/COMP
Open 52.6500 USD
Close 65.8800 USD
Volume 263.666 COMP
-25.94 USD/COMP
Open 65.9800 USD
Close 40.0400 USD
Volume 97.663 COMP
+7.46 USD/COMP
Open 40.3700 USD
Close 47.8300 USD
Volume 80.290 COMP
+0.48 USD/COMP
Open 47.9400 USD
Close 48.4200 USD
Volume 80.014 COMP
+3.13 USD/COMP
Open 48.3300 USD
Close 51.4600 USD
Volume 116.156 COMP
+9.55 USD/COMP
Open 51.6700 USD
Close 61.2200 USD
Volume 220.897 COMP
2022 -84.24 USD/COMP
Open 210.4300 USD
Close 126.1900 USD
Volume 59.405 COMP
Open 126.7100 USD
Close 125.5100 USD
Volume 68.780 COMP
Open 125.8000 USD
Close 158.8000 USD
Volume 80.956 COMP
-51.81 USD/COMP
Open 157.7500 USD
Close 105.9400 USD
Volume 93.800 COMP
-50.16 USD/COMP
Open 106.3100 USD
Close 56.1500 USD
Volume 92.619 COMP
-9.79 USD/COMP
Open 56.8100 USD
Close 47.0200 USD
Volume 130.710 COMP
+11.01 USD/COMP
Open 47.4900 USD
Close 58.5000 USD
Volume 126.481 COMP
-10.72 USD/COMP
Open 58.9500 USD
Close 48.2300 USD
Volume 83.068 COMP
+12.58 USD/COMP
Open 48.1400 USD
Close 60.7200 USD
Volume 54.086 COMP
-12.38 USD/COMP
Open 61.0100 USD
Close 48.6300 USD
Volume 59.123 COMP
-11.07 USD/COMP
Open 48.3200 USD
Close 37.2500 USD
Volume 65.043 COMP
-5.77 USD/COMP
Open 37.3700 USD
Close 31.6000 USD
Volume 37.819 COMP
2021 +215.35 USD/COMP
Open 146.9600 USD
Close 362.3100 USD
Volume 96.827 COMP
+130.57 USD/COMP
Open 362.6700 USD
Close 493.2400 USD
Volume 95.462 COMP
-41.97 USD/COMP
Open 493.2300 USD
Close 451.2600 USD
Volume 60.717 COMP
+354.85 USD/COMP
Open 450.4600 USD
Close 805.3100 USD
Volume 105.368 COMP
-379.88 USD/COMP
Open 807.1100 USD
Close 427.2300 USD
Volume 95.752 COMP
-94.89 USD/COMP
Open 426.8900 USD
Close 332.0000 USD
Volume 67.324 COMP
+77.63 USD/COMP
Open 331.9200 USD
Close 409.5500 USD
Volume 91.235 COMP
+68.64 USD/COMP
Open 409.1800 USD
Close 477.8200 USD
Volume 79.798 COMP
-151.55 USD/COMP
Open 478.3300 USD
Close 326.7800 USD
Volume 93.469 COMP
+37.69 USD/COMP
Open 326.7400 USD
Close 364.4300 USD
Volume 80.012 COMP
-93.19 USD/COMP
Open 364.6000 USD
Close 271.4100 USD
Volume 85.060 COMP
-61.76 USD/COMP
Open 272.0700 USD
Close 210.3100 USD
Volume 114.273 COMP
2020       -58.88 USD/COMP
Open 198.0000 USD
Close 139.1200 USD
Volume 9.149 COMP
+119.23 USD/COMP
Open 138.4400 USD
Close 257.6700 USD
Volume 74.440 COMP
-128.22 USD/COMP
Open 257.1700 USD
Close 128.9500 USD
Volume 35.272 COMP
-33.65 USD/COMP
Open 127.7100 USD
Close 94.0600 USD
Volume 35.371 COMP
+10.38 USD/COMP
Open 95.1000 USD
Close 105.4800 USD
Volume 59.661 COMP
+40.56 USD/COMP
Open 105.2800 USD
Close 145.8400 USD
Volume 55.732 COMP

Monthly Returns Heatmap Image file

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Monthly Returns Heatmap, kraken COMP-USD